THEMI Hill Schools an English Medium (Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary School) strongly believes in safeguarding the wellbeing of its community. To that end, our school invests significant resources in protecting the privacy of our staff, parents and children. In order to ensure that we achieve this aim, we have adopted the following policy in line with standards.
Staff are individuals employed by THEMI Hill in any capacity, including full-time and part-time employees. This excludes contracted companies and individuals.
Students are current, prospective or past students enrolled at THEMI Hill.
Parents are current, prospective or past parents, and/or legal guardians, of a student or students at THEMI Hill.
Alumni are former THEMI Hill students and/or graduates.
Where applicable in the policy, alumni will be differentiated between those over the age of 18 and those under the age of 18.
Third parties are individuals or organizations that are not affiliated with or employed by THEMI Hill.
Personal information constitutes the full legal name, personal address, personal contact information and school records of an individual. It does not include identification numbers, names of staff, or titles and business contact information of staff.
THEMI Hill will make these policies publicly accessible, and will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all personal information is accurate and protected. This includes the storing of all personal information only in password-protected databases.
All staff, parents, students and alumni agree upon initiating their relationship with THEMI Hill that the School shall keep their personal information on file for the duration of their time as members of the School community as a matter of academic record, evidence of services rendered and/or as evidence of employment.
THEMI Hill may publicly disclose non-personal information of staff, including titles, business addresses, and business contact information. Personal information will be disclosed to third parties only with the consent of that member of staff.
As indicated in the THEMI Hill enrollment documents, THEMI Hill reserves the right to use photographs and other visual media containing the images of THEMI Hill parents, students and alumni in online and print media. In such cases the school will not post the full legal names of students or alumni who have yet to reach the age of 18 with that media, unless permission is granted from parents, to preserve their privacy.
Instances of online media include, but are not limited to, the THEMI Hill website, social media channels such as Facebook, news sites that publish THEMI Hill press releases, and third parties which have been granted permission by THEMI Hill for the purposes of promotion of education-related content.
Instances of print media include, but are not limited to, school brochures and flyers, the school magazine, advertisements, newspapers and magazines that publish THEMI Hill press releases, and third parties which have been granted permission by THEMI Hill for the purposes of promotion of education-related content.
In cases in which published media, whether in online or print form, utilizes extensive interviews with students, further consent will be sought from the parents of those students.
Cookies & Tracking
THEMI HILL utilizes Google Analytics in tracking visitors to the THEMI Hill website. This information is not used to identify personal information, nor is it used for any purpose other than improvement of the website based on identifiable trends. Cookies – small pieces of information stored on your computer to indicate sites that you have visited – are used only in conjunction with Google Analytics for the purpose of enhancing the THEMI Hill website. These cookies are not used to gather personal information about visitors, and no other visitor tracking is conducted. Additional information about Google Analytics and privacy is available on the Google Support website.
We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we amend this Privacy Policy, we will update this page accordingly and require you to accept the amendments in order to be permitted to continue using our services.